Paid Partnership with Walmart Beauty
It’s no secret that I have an affinity for fine grooming products. I genuinely believe that in order to be your best, you must look it as well. There is something about the act of “getting ready” that I find immensely therapeutic and many consider it an act of self care.
Walmart recently introduced an elevated selection of grooming products for men and the offering is next level. With Summer over, it’s time to start lathering on the moisturizer and leave in conditioner. I was particularly impressed with the Neutrogena Triple Protect Men’s Face Lotion with SPF 20 & the V76 Grooming Cream with Ultralight hold (there’s nothing worse than having crunchy hair.)
I curated a full range of products that will have you looking like a million bucks below! I recommend using the products in this order to achieve the best results:
Hop in the shower and use the Old Spice Swagger 2-in-1 Shampoo and Conditioner. Wash thoroughly and rinse
Apply the Cantu Shea Butter Men’s Collection Leave in Conditioner and leave on for the duration of the shower. Rinse out at the end.
Scrub yourself down using the V76 by Vaugn Detox Bar Soap for Men.
Make sure your using hot water for this next step as it opens pores: apply a dollop of the Neutrogena Men Daily Invigorating Foaming Gel Face Wash and rinse with cold water.
Hop out of the shower, dry off and slather your face using the Neutrogena Triple Protect Men’s Face Lotion
Towel/ Blow dry hair and use Harry’s Hair Putty for a sophisticated, texturized look.